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Sunburst Sunburst Interior
Tetracontahedron of grouted art glass. Green, amber, and white with clear glass lens and clear micro marbles. Hand crafted
Bubinga and Purple Heart wood stand. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Size; 6 X 7 X 5.25. Signed and Dated; XII / 2010.
For more exterior views, click, 1, 2, and, 3. SOLD.
Cosmos Cosmos Interior
Dodecahedron of grouted art glass. Yellow, pink, and white with clear glass lens. Hand crafted Red Heart and Paduke wood
stand. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Size; 4.5 X 4.5 X 4.5 inches. Signed and dated; XII / 2010. SOLD.
Carbon Sixty Carbon Sixty Interior
Truncated Icosahedron of grouted art glass. Red with clear lens and 59 glass micro marbles. Hand crafted Mohagany wood stand.
Interior lined with front surface mirror. Size; 6 X 6 X 7 inches. Signed and dated; 2010. Other views; 1 and 2. SOLD
Black Holo Black Holo Interior
Truncated Icosahedron of grouted art glass. Black and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted
Lacewood stand. Size; 5.5 X 5.5 X 6.75 inches. Signed and dated; III / 2010. SOLD.
Mantis Mantis Interior
Dodecahedron of grouted art glass. Assorted greens and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted
Padouk and Ebony wood stand. Size; 4 X 4 X 4 1/2 inches. Signed and dated I / 2010. SOLD.
Holoscape Holoscape Interior
Cube of grouted art glass. Red, yellow, amber, white, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted
Mahogany wood stand. Size; 3 X 3 X 3 1/2 inches. Signed and dated II / 2010. Sold.
Eden Eden Interior
Icosahedron of grouted art glass. Assorted greens, orange, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted
Bubinga wood stand. Size; 4 X 4 X 5 inches. Signed and dated; III / 2010. Other view. SOLD.
Autumn Autumn Interior
Truncated Octahedron of grouted art glass. Orange, yellow, and white with clear glass lens. Interior lined with front surface
mirror. Hand crafted Paduke, Mahogany, and Red Heart wood stand. Size; 4 X 4 X 5 inches. Signed and dated; VIII / 2011.
Monolith Monolith Interior
Cuboctahedron of grouted art glass. Purple, yellow, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted
Purple Heart wood stand. Size; 5 X 5 X 5.25 inches. Signed and dated; I / 2010. SOLD
White Out White Out Interior
Icosahedron of grouted glass. Blue, grey, white and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand Crafted
Goncala Alves and Oak wood stand. Size; 4 X 4 X 5 inches. Signed and Dated; X / 2010. Sold.
Fire Fire Interior
Truncated Tetrahedron of grouted glass. Red, orange, yellow, white, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror.
Hand crafted Padouk and Lacewood hard wood stand. Size; 3.5 X 3.5 X 4 inches. Signed and dated; X / 2010. Sold
Glass Cube 5 Glass Cube 5 Interior
Cube of grouted art glass. Pink, purple, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted Lacewood and
Ebony wood stand. Size; 2.5 X 2.5 X 3.75 inches. Signed and dated: VI / 2010. SOLD.
Glass Cube 6 Glass Cube 6 Interior
Cube of grouted art glass. Red, yellow, white, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted Lacewood
and Ebony wood stand. Size; 2.5 X 2.5 X 3.75 inches. Signed and dated; VI / 2010. SOLD.
Little Jewel Little Jewel Interior
Octahedron of grouted art glass. Yellow, green, purple, white, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand
crafted Padouk wood stand. Size; 2.75 X 2.75 X 3 inches. Signed and dated; III / 2010. Sold.
Blue Moon Blue Moon Interior
Cube of grouted art glass. Blue, white, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted Mahogany wood
stand. Size; 3 X 3 X 3.5 inches. Signed and dated; I / 2010. Sold.
Solar Flare Solar Flare Interior
Icosahedron of grouted art glass. Yellow, orange, red, green, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand
crafted Padouk wood stand. Size; 4 X 4 X 5 inches. Signed and dated; I / 2010. Sold.
Dusk Dusk Interior
Cuboctahedron of grouted art glass. Red, purple, blue, and clear glass. Interior lined with front surface mirror. Hand crafted
Zebra wood stand. Size; 4 X 4 X 4.5 inches. Signed and dated; I / 2010. SOLD.
Iridescent Iridescent Interior
Cube of grouted art glass. White, brown, iridescent yellow, green, and clear glass lens. Interior lined with front surface mirror.
Hand crafted Mahogany wood stand. Size; 3 X 3 X 3.5 inches. Signed and dated; I / 2010. Sold.